Jayprakash Education Society’s
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya
Barrister Tatyasaheb Mane Vidyanagar, Peth Vadgaon
Tal- Hatkanangale, Dist- Kolhapur, 416112 (MS)
Date: 24/08/2023
All the faculty members of the department of English are hereby informed that the meeting of the department will be held on 25/08/2023 at 12.05 p.m. in the department of English. All are requested to attend the meeting.
Agenda of the Meeting
1 Academic departmental work distribution
2 Distribution of the syllabus in the faculty
3 Preparation of time table of the department
4 Preparation of Individual Time Table
5 Preparation of teaching plan of each subject
6 To discuss about Bridge Course
7 To discuss about the short term course
8 Any other business
Department of English
Jayprakash Education Society’s
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya
Barrister Tatyasaheb Mane Vidyanagar, Peth Vadgaon
Tal- Hatkanangale, Dist- Kolhapur, 416112 (MS)
Workload of the Department
Total Workload = (60 Periods)
1. B. A. I (A & B divisions)
English Compulsory =8
English Optional = 4
Total Periods =12
2. B. A. II (A & B divisions)
English Compulsory =8
English Optional = 4+4
Total Periods =16
3. B. A. III (A division)
English Compulsory =4
English Special =4+4+4+4+4
Total Periods =24
4. B. Com. I (A divisions)
English Compulsory=04
Total Periods=08
5. B. Com. II
English Compulsory=04
Total Periods=04
The minutes of the meeting:
The first meeting of the faculty of the department of English was held on 25th August 2023 at 12.05 p.m. in the department of English. The following faculty members were present for the interview.
1. Dr. V. P. Chaugale
2. Mr. M. M. Pawar
3. Mrs. J. G. More
4. Smt. Dr. V. A. Desai
The minutes of the meeting:
1. Academic departmental work distribution
The Head, department of English informed the faculty members the workload of the department in detail. He informed that the workload available is 60 periods per week.
2. Distribution of the syllabus in the faculty
The Head of the department of English discussed with the faculty the area of interest and specialization. Taking into account the interest and specialization of the faculty of members, the workload of the department was distributed as detailed below:
1. Dr. V. P. Chaugale (20 Periods)
i) B. A. I (Optional English) =04 Periods
ii) B. A. II (Optional English)=04 Periods
iii) B.A.III (Special English) =08 Periods
iv) B.Com. II (Compulsory English)=04 Periods
2. Mr. M. M. Pawar (20 Periods)
i) B. A. I. (Division A) (Compulsory English) =04 Periods
ii) B. A. I. (Division B) (Compulsory English) =04 Periods
iii) B. A. II (Optional English)=04 Periods
iv) B. A. III (Compulsory English)=04 Periods
v) B. A. III (Special English)=04 Periods
3. Mrs. J. G. More (10 Periods)
i) B.Com. I (Compulsory English)=04 Periods
ii) B.A. II (Compulsory English)=04 Periods
iii) B. A. III (Special English)=02 Periods
4. Smt. Dr. V. A. Desai (10 Periods)
i) B.A. II (Compulsory English)=04 Periods
ii) B. A. III (Special English)=06 Periods
3. It was unanimously decided to prepare departmental timetable. It was decided that Dr. Vilas Chaugale will prepare departmental timetable.
Proposed by: Mr. Milind Pawar
Seconded by: Smt. Dr. V. A. Desai
4. It was unanimously decided to prepare Individual timetable by every member of the faculty. It was decided that Dr. Vilas Chaugale will prepare departmental timetable.
5. Proposed by: Mrs. J. G. More
Seconded by: Dr. V. P. Chaugale
6. It was unanimously decided to prepare teaching plan of each subject by the concerned faculty members.
Proposed by: Mr. Milind Pawar
Seconded by: Smt. Dr. V. A. Desai
7. It was unanimously decided to run ‘Certificate Course in Basic English Grammar’ of Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Proposed by: Dr. Vilas Chaugale
Seconded by: Mr. Milind Pawar
Department of English
Jayprakash Education Society’s
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya
Barrister Tatyasaheb Mane Vidyanagar, Peth Vadgaon
Tal- Hatkanangale, Dist- Kolhapur, 416112 (MS)
Date: 12/10/2023
All the faculty members of the department of English are hereby informed that the second meeting of the department will be held on 13/10/2023 at 11.30 a.m. in the department of English (Hall No. 31). All are requested to attend the meeting.
Agenda of the Meeting:
1 Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting
2 Panning and work distribution related to NAAC visit to the college
3 Any other business…
Department of English
Jayprakash Education Society’s
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya
Barrister Tatyasaheb Mane Vidyanagar, Peth Vadgaon
Tal- Hatkanangale, Dist- Kolhapur, 416112 (MS)
The minutes of the first meeting of the faculty members:
The meeting of the faculty members of the department of English was held on 13th October 2023 at 11.30 a.m. in the department of English (Hall No.31). The following faculty members were present for the interview.
1. Dr. V. P. Chaugale
2. Mr. M. M. Pawar
3. Mrs. J. G. More
4. Smt. Dr. V. A. Desai
Absent Members: Nil
The minutes of the meeting:
1. The minutes of the last meeting were read out by Smt. Dr. Vidya Desai and were confirmed by the faculty members, and were signed by the Head, Department of English.
2. It was unanimously resolved to focus on planning and distribution of work that are to be carried out prior to the NAAC Peer Team’s visit to the college. It was decided that Dr. V. P. Chaugale will make Power Point Presentation of the department. Mr. Milind Pawar will maintain departmental files from 01 to 10 and Mrs. Jyoti More and Dr. Smt. Vidya Desai will maintain departmental files from 11 to 24. It was decided that Mr. Milind Pawar will take efforts in making department decorative.
Proposed by: Dr. V. P. Chaugale
Seconded by: Mr. Milind Pawar
3. Any other business with the permission of HoD:
It was unanimously decided that online Guest Lecture should be organized for the students of Arts and Commerce faculties.
Proposed by: Mr. Milind Pawar
Seconded by: Mrs. Jyoti More
4. Since there was no other business, the meeting ended with the vote of thanks.
Department of English